About Us

We've Failed So You Don't Have To

successes & failures

Nobody gets it right the first time, there’s always a back story.  The stress, the failure, the pivot and many other tales we can share with you and help you avoid the pitfalls and wrong turns.


We chose the name as a bit of fun, but it really resonated with founders we spoke to.  So we stuck with it.  As founders of Exiteers we have all exited successfully, but also all failed along the way and we won’t hide that from you.

We stop at nothing

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We Love To Explore​

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We Take It Step-By-Step

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We Keep It Simple

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Your Dream. Our Mission.

We Believe In Hard Work And Dedication

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meet the Exiteers

We're here to help you

Every step of the way

Peter Stansbury


Chris Hewitt


John dunnet


Meet Our Clients

we work for them

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Do you want to grow your business and exit successfully?

we can do it together

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success.

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